We created this massage oil to aid in detoxification, the natural process through which the body eliminates what is not useful to it.
When the body's natural detoxification process is hindered, physiological effects can manifest in the form of fatigue, various skin sensitivities, circulation problems, or sudden changes in mood.
The combination of delicate, neutral, and light soybean oil with revitalizing and emollient properties, providing calming, relaxing, and velvety effects on the skin, along with regenerating, reparative, and nutritive wheat germ oil, stimulates lymphatic circulation.
100% pure essential oils of rosemary, petitgrain, lemon, and sage have astringent, antiseptic, toning, and revitalizing properties, and delicately perfume the oil. Vitamin E has anti-aging effects, intensely moisturizes, and balances the skin.
Massage oil penetrates the body through the skin, and the active elements of essential oils reach every cell through the bloodstream and lymphatic system. Their complexity has a direct effect on the body, mind, and spirit, bringing balance and harmony.